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Best Security System For a Small Business

With the economy rebounding from the unprecidented stresses of 2020, a majority of small business owners are expecting revenue growth in 2021. This optimism is bound to create many new businesses in the next year or two—and yours might be one of them. Starting a new business is a daunting task and the last thing you need to worry about is properly securing your new office, restaurant, or shop.


With so many choices of devices and companies out there, you’re probably wondering where to start. Fortunately, adding a small business security system isn’t as difficult or confusing as you might think it is. When you’re first starting out, it’s best for a professional security company to do a walk-through. That way, they can tell you exactly what you need to secure your business. But we can give you an idea of what to consider before you’re ready to start the process. Here are the 3 foundations of small business security:




Let’s first discuss the common misconception that cameras are all you need for security. While cameras will be great for evidence if someone were to break in, they’re just one piece of the puzzle. There’s not much you can do after a break-in, even with camera footage. With that said, cameras are a very integral part of a security system for a small business. Not only are they helpful in the event of a break-in, they’re also great to keep an eye on your business when you’re not around. We’ve had customers use them to keep an eye on employees, review disagreements between employees and customers, and to just see what’s going on at any given time. If you’re wondering what kind of camera system is best for your business, call WISE for a free consultation. 




Building access control is an additional feature of a business security system that helps round out a complete system. You can provide access to your building or office to those who need it, without the danger of having keys reproduced. From keypads to Bluetooth access, there are tons of options depending on your wants and needs. You can change codes whenever you want and control access for each person as needed. See who is coming and going without being present.



We’ll end with the most obvious and, undoubtedly, the most important piece of your system: security. When you arm your business with security devices like motion and door sensors, you’re doing the most you can to protect your assets. And professional security monitoring will give you peace of mind. You’ll know that the authorities will be notified right away if anyone enters your business. Add in fire detection for the ultimate protection for your business while you’re away. This alone will save you precious time if the worst were to happen. The fire department is deployed as soon as any smoke is detected, so you don’t have to worry about your business when you’re not there.


These are the basics of a small business security system. Of course, individual needs will vary and the best thing you can do is to reach out to a professional security company that can do a walk-through of your space and make sure you have exactly what you need and nothing you don’t.


If you’re looking for affordable small business security solutions, contact WISE Business Solutions at 844-405-1943.

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